The Black Hole and the Well

What the fuck have you done to me?
How can one person hurt another so deep
The deepest wound, the black hole in my belly
In my soul, in my rotting brain
In my fucking dick, in my fucking hands
My legs won't stop shaking,
I get twitches from the meds

What the fuck have you done to me?
I am so weak that I can barely stand
I lay in bed all day long, begging for a dream
For the black hole to swallow me, but it won't
I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't think
I went human for you, don't you know?
I get sick in my stomach of the thoughts of you and him

What the fuck have you done to me?
I can't even cry, the meds have led me dry
As you have bled me dry, of dreams
Bruised and empty, a heroin wreck
A star is dying in this one every night
Not very bright, the noose around my neck
This star has fallen, a thousand years away

What the fuck have you done to me?
I am not the mess I used to be
The reason you ran away with me
The reason you ran away from me
The empty souls of our tree dwell
Deep inside a lonely well, in a shallow shell
It ran low and bled into the night skyline

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