
Nu vaknar du
Allt verkar böjbart
Jag ser mig runt
Men jag ser inget alls

Jag knyter på skon
Men hon har fått nog
I drömmen fann jag
Ett berg uti ett hav

Med solen finns hon
Och den finns i henne
Men var är du?

Nu vaknar du
Allt verkar böjbart
Jag ser mig runt
Men jag ser inget alls

Jag knyter på skon
Men hon har fått nog
I drömmen fann jag
Ett berg uti ett hav

Med solen finns hon
Och den finns i henne
Men var är du?

Far ut på färd
Och vandra gatorna
Det ser mörkt ut
Så använd stjärnorna
Evigt sittandes tills nu
Nu kliver hon ut

Nu vaknar drömhav
Mitt hjärta slår
Utom takt
Så van vid ett liv
Som är begravt


It's not me
It can't be
You're not here
This is not how it was supposed to be

Luck / Plans

There ain't no such luck
In this place

There ain't no such luck down here

Make plans
And follow through
You cannot win
By staying true

Make plans
That fall through
As everything else
Including you

Price tags & Bodybags

The world's filled with nothing
And nothing's always something

Roaming the earth
With your shopping carts
Pricetags, on body bags at the market


Throw away
All of our clocks and watches
Time is holding me back

Leap forward forever
And take it back


Running from the inside
Waking up cold from the sleep
Swim up
Like it's all just a dream

I know how it feels
In your sky there's a hole
All the lights glow cold
Be the feathers on my wings
If you know how it feels

Swallowing whole the nightmare
Try to throw it up, throw it out
And if no ones there, I will be


The world stops spinning
When you are around
When songs revolve around everything
To be wanted,
Oh, oh, oh,
What a wonderful thing it must be


She put the sun out
She put the son out
She put out
Butted out

You can say what you say about me
Forever in fear of dismay
When living in an ashtray